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DDC Club show Moritzburg - D (24.09.2011)

This club show was attended by 338 Danes from all over the world. And among them our Galactica and Gilbert Silva Tarok with their owners. She came to us and Desiré Silva Tarok with both owners.

Judge: Wanda Kotik - PL

GALACTIC Silva Tarok

Excellent grade V2 res. VDH


Galactica Silva Tarok V2 res.VDH intermediate in competition 7fen


GILBERT Silva Tarok



Gilbert Silva Tarok In the intermediate class from 7 dogs


DESIRE Silva Tarok

For photos of our many thanks owners Desiré


Desiré Silva Tarok

Pánečkům and especially our ofspring


! Congratulations and thank you!

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