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Club show Nitra Rudno - SK (19.09.2015)

This exhibition was attended by two of our little children Ugo William Silva Tarokse his owners and Varon Silva Tarok with his whole family. They attended two of our kids Chaviér and Gladis and Garibaldi Tuliho of Justice, which is beautifully showing off just a little escaped his club winner. On the first show we took our new addition to the pack Tarok Silva and Leonardo Queen harlequin, who performed like a pro. All our love eared behaved perfectly throughout the exhibition but unfortunately we were not able to show what is our big advantage dogs and movement. One can always learn and we all know what to do next exhibition to work properly.

Judge: Andras Korosz - H



Excellent grade 2

(Depardie Silva Tarok & DAYA Zobor lúky)


Ugo William Silva Tarok V2 junior class at the age of 9 months



Varon Silva Tarok

Very promising 1

(Kornelius Silva Tarok & Juliet Silva Tarok)


Varon Silva Tarok VP1 puppy class at the age of 6 months



GLADIS z Tulihodvora

Excellent grade 2 res. CAC

(Chavière Silva Tarok & Daira z Tuliho dvora)


Gladis  V2 CAC open class at age 2 years



LEONARDO LOSS DIOS Aragosa Queen Harlequin

Excellent grade 1 and CAC

(Aragorn Dios De La Vida & Fabricio Queen harlequin)
Leonardo Queen harlequin in the middle class at the age of 17 months



Son of Chavière Silva Tarok

GARIBALDI Tuliho of Justice

Excellent grade 1 and CAC

(Chavière Silva Tarok & Daire z Tuliho dvora)


Garibaldi V1 CAC open class at age 2 years

All owners, but especially our offspring

Ugo & Varon tomer

and even our blood descendants


!!! Congratulations, we're proud !!!

Silva Tarok, 19.9. 2015

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